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Sculpture en métal soudé Bonsaï les 7 vertues
Collection electric lamp,edison light bulb labotory fungus Tesla unique steampunk bedside lamp
Mild steel Pickett the Bowtruckle sculpture
Bedside lamp unique collection of magical style, special edition,lamp, bedside table,house ,light, fairy,pixie ,lounge ,desk, bed,decoration
Sculpture named "The Door of the Sun"
Sculpture named Bamboo Panda
Sculpture named "Eyes of souls"
Metal welded sculpture Catherina The Great ballerina
Humorous metal and resin sculpture related to cows and milk. Shakes (Milk Shake)
Metal sculpture of a Rose (the Shadow and its muse)
Sculpture named "I remember"
Float Bonsai welded metal sculpture from another world
Sculpture named "The tree of knowledge of good and evil"
Sculpture named "The little ballerina"
This unique sculpture represents the controller of human minds is anything with a screen. His name '' Mind Controller ''
Stone and metal sculpture, angelic and spiritual heart chakra. (The stone that had a heart.)
Sculpture of a Rose in metal in memory of "
Sculpture made entirely from Absolutely delectable, metal materials and resin and epoxy. Absolutely delectable
welding metal sculpture bonsaï tree Gold mountain tree
Welded metal sculpture bonzai tree (Lorsque s'unissent les racines et un galet